BioCurate Board pleased to announce Dr Damien Bates as CEO
October 01, 2021
On 1 October 2021, Dr Damien Bates was appointed CEO of BioCurate. This is more positive news for the Company and provides the crucial skills, continuity and leadership essential for the ongoing success of BioCurate.
Damien joined BioCurate as Chief Scientific Officer and Head of Translational Medicine in May 2019. He has played a critical role in driving the progression of projects along their respective development pathways through close collaborations with the Universities’ researchers and innovation staff, implementation of industry best practice across all aspects of project management, portfolio evaluation, industry engagement and resource allocation, and strong staff support and management.
Since being appointed as Acting CEO earlier in the year, Damien has worked closely with the BioCurate Board and management team to position the company strongly and achieve a number of important milestones, including:
Establishment of oncology start-up company Pio Therapeutics Pty Ltd (Pio Tx)
- Commercial vehicle for research emanating from Monash University.
- Company now fully incorporated with two Shareholders, Monash Investment Holdings and BioCurate, and an Independent Chair appointed.
- Mission to develop novel, innovative and targeted medicines that increase endogenous anti-tumour immunity that addresses current clinical challenges associated with immunotherapy.
Pipeline building initiatives
- Revision and streamlining of the BioCurate Opportunity Assessment (BOA) process
- Two rounds each year.
- Eligible projects to be sourced from University of Melbourne, Monash University and their respective affiliated medical research institutes (MRIs).
- New Proof of Concept Fund implemented, with two projects awarded to date and additional projects undergoing evaluation.
- Opportunity for researchers to obtain targeted funding and industry-informed, expert guidance to help get their early project on a clear translational pathway.
- Showcasing researchers’ translation success stories via a range of platforms including promotional videos, media release, social media, press article and Shareholder’s communication channels.
- Helping to build understanding of the translational and commercial process required for successful novel drug development via focused information sessions.
Advancement of portfolio projects
- All projects continuing to progress through their Go/NoGo milestones.
Assistance with expansion of the Board and Investment Committee
- Additional members appointed with international experience in drug development and asset management.
BioCurate Chair, The Hon John Brumby AO commented “I am confident that with Damien’s leadership, our talented staff and committed Board and Shareholders, we will be able to continue delivering on our mission of translating medical research into high quality preclinical candidates for the bio-pharmaceutical industry and eventually new safe & effective therapies for the community.”