Catherine Drinkwater

Director of Project Management
Dr Cathy Drinkwater has extensive experience in both academic research and industry drug development.

Following completion of her PhD at the Howard Florey Institute in Melbourne, Cathy went on to postdoctoral fellowships at Stanford University School of Medicine (California) and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (Melbourne).  Since then she has worked in the commercial sector, as Principal Scientist at AMRAD Corporation (later Zenyth Therapeutics) and Project Manager at CSL, and at the “interface”, with the Cancer Therapeutics CRC.  During that time, she was responsible for a number of early discovery and development projects, working with research teams to enhance their collaborative efforts and facilitate the timely delivery of their outcomes.

Cathy has experience in a range of therapeutic areas including endocrinology, neurobiology, oncology, immunology and inflammation.

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